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As of yet, the modsem package does not support using the interaction operator : between two higher order constructs. However, you can still attempt to estimate the interaction effect between two higher order constructs by specifying the interaction term in models using the product indicator approaches (higher order constructs are not supported at all in the lms and qml approaches yet). The modsem package will then attempt to estimate the interaction effect between the two higher order constructs.

Interaction between two higher order constructs

WARNING: Please note that the literature on higher order interactions in product indicator approaches is virtually non-existant, and you will likely need to experiment with different approaches to find one that works. As well as experiment with adding constraints to the model.

In modsem there are two datasets which are variants of the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) dataset. The TPB_2SO contains two second order constructs, INT (intention) which is a second order construct of ATT (attitude) and SN (subjective norm), and PBC (perceived behavioural control) which is a second order construct of PC (perceived control) and PB (perceived behaviour).

tpb <- '
  # First order constructs
  ATT =~ att1 + att2 + att3
  SN  =~ sn1 + sn2 + sn3
  PB =~ pb1 + pb2 + pb3
  PC =~ pc1 + pc2 + pc3
  BEH =~ b1 + b2

  # Higher order constructs
  INT =~ ATT + SN
  PBC =~ PC + PB

  # Higher order interaction
  # Structural model

est_ca <- modsem(tpb, data = TPB_2SO, method = "ca")
#> modsem (version 1.0.6, approach = ca):
#> lavaan 0.6-19 ended normally after 628 iterations
#>   Estimator                                         ML
#>   Optimization method                           NLMINB
#>   Number of model parameters                        96
#>   Row rank of the constraints matrix                28
#>   Number of observations                          2000
#> Model Test User Model:
#>   Test statistic                              3479.483
#>   Degrees of freedom                               309
#>   P-value (Chi-square)                           0.000
#> Parameter Estimates:
#>   Standard errors                             Standard
#>   Information                                 Expected
#>   Information saturated (h1) model          Structured
#> Latent Variables:
#>                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
#>   ATT =~                                              
#>     a      (l_1_A)    1.000                           
#>     a      (l_2_A)    0.903    0.010   94.899    0.000
#>     a      (l_3_A)    0.787    0.009   89.747    0.000
#>   SN =~                                               
#>     s      (l_1_S)    1.000                           
#>     s      (l_2_S)    0.917    0.013   71.403    0.000
#>     s      (l_3_S)    0.804    0.012   67.969    0.000
#>   PB =~                                               
#>     p     (l_1_PB)    1.000                           
#>     p     (l_2_PB)    0.923    0.010   89.364    0.000
#>     p     (l_3_PB)    0.790    0.009   84.731    0.000
#>   PC =~                                               
#>     p     (l_1_PC)    1.000                           
#>     p     (l_2_PC)    0.889    0.009  101.651    0.000
#>     p     (l_3_PC)    0.787    0.008   97.811    0.000
#>   BEH =~                                              
#>     b      (l_1_B)    1.000                           
#>     b      (l_2_B)    0.848    0.043   19.772    0.000
#>   INT =~                                              
#>     A     (l_ATT_)    1.000                           
#>     S      (l_SN_)    0.646    0.076    8.547    0.000
#>   PBC =~                                              
#>     P       (l_PC)    1.000                           
#>     P       (l_PB)    0.650    0.081    7.985    0.000
#>   INTxPBC =~                                          
#>     A    (l_ATTPC)    1.000                           
#>     A    (l_ATTPB)    0.817    0.036   22.725    0.000
#>     S     (l_SNPC)    0.729    0.031   23.234    0.000
#>     S     (l_SNPB)    0.606    0.027   22.365    0.000
#>   ATTPC =~                                            
#>     a (l_11_ATTPC)    1.000                           
#>     a (l_22_ATTPC)    0.803    0.009   90.729    0.000
#>     a (l_33_ATTPC)    0.620    0.007   86.179    0.000
#>   ATTPB =~                                            
#>     a (l_11_ATTPB)    1.000                           
#>     a (l_22_ATTPB)    0.834    0.010   83.614    0.000
#>     a (l_33_ATTPB)    0.622    0.008   78.869    0.000
#>   SNPC =~                                             
#>     s  (l_11_SNPC)    1.000                           
#>     s  (l_22_SNPC)    0.815    0.011   71.600    0.000
#>     s  (l_33_SNPC)    0.633    0.009   68.160    0.000
#>   SNPB =~                                             
#>     s  (l_11_SNPB)    1.000                           
#>     s  (l_22_SNPB)    0.846    0.012   68.808    0.000
#>     s  (l_33_SNPB)    0.635    0.010   65.238    0.000
#> Regressions:
#>                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
#>   BEH ~                                               
#>     PBC     (G_PB)    0.221    0.031    7.155    0.000
#>     INT   (G_INT_)    0.209    0.029    7.224    0.000
#>     INTPB (G_INTP)    0.158    0.019    8.137    0.000
#> Covariances:
#>                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
#>   INT ~~                                              
#>     PBC  (C_INT_P)    0.017    0.026    0.669    0.504
#>     INTP (C_INT_I)   -0.002    0.029   -0.083    0.934
#>   PBC ~~                                              
#>     INTP    (C_PB)   -0.094    0.035   -2.712    0.007
#>  .att1pc1 ~~                                          
#>    .at22              0.000                           
#>    .at33              0.000                           
#>  .att2pc2 ~~                                          
#>    .at33              0.000                           
#>  .att1pb1 ~~                                          
#>    .at22              0.000                           
#>    .at33              0.000                           
#>  .att2pb2 ~~                                          
#>    .at33              0.000                           
#>  .sn1pc1 ~~                                           
#>    .sn22              0.000                           
#>    .sn33              0.000                           
#>  .sn2pc2 ~~                                           
#>    .sn33              0.000                           
#>  .sn1pb1 ~~                                           
#>    .sn22              0.000                           
#>    .sn33              0.000                           
#>  .sn2pb2 ~~                                           
#>    .sn33              0.000                           
#> Intercepts:
#>                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
#>    .ATTP (M_ATTPC)    0.017    0.026    0.669    0.504
#>    .ATTP (M_ATTPB)    0.011    0.017    0.668    0.504
#>    .SNPC  (M_SNPC)    0.011    0.017    0.668    0.504
#>    .SNPB  (M_SNPB)    0.007    0.011    0.667    0.505
#>    .att1              1.008    0.025   40.614    0.000
#>    .att2              1.002    0.023   43.736    0.000
#>    .att3              1.012    0.021   49.282    0.000
#>    .sn1               0.980    0.018   53.085    0.000
#>    .sn2               0.986    0.018   56.087    0.000
#>    .sn3               0.993    0.016   61.749    0.000
#>    .pb1               1.010    0.024   41.515    0.000
#>    .pb2               1.014    0.023   43.981    0.000
#>    .pb3               1.015    0.020   50.248    0.000
#>    .pc1               1.032    0.028   36.550    0.000
#>    .pc2               1.023    0.026   39.909    0.000
#>    .pc3               1.027    0.023   44.819    0.000
#>    .b1                1.000    0.020   50.566    0.000
#>    .b2                0.997    0.018   54.925    0.000
#>    .at11              0.012    0.048    0.242    0.809
#>    .at22             -0.016    0.039   -0.401    0.689
#>    .at33              0.005    0.031    0.170    0.865
#>    .at11              0.031    0.038    0.812    0.417
#>    .at22              0.009    0.033    0.292    0.770
#>    .at33              0.025    0.025    1.013    0.311
#>    .sn11              0.021    0.034    0.605    0.545
#>    .sn22              0.000    0.029    0.008    0.994
#>    .sn33              0.006    0.023    0.282    0.778
#>    .sn11              0.028    0.028    1.031    0.303
#>    .sn22              0.008    0.024    0.344    0.731
#>    .sn33              0.009    0.019    0.467    0.640
#> Variances:
#>                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
#>    .AT    (Vr_ATT)    0.306    0.088    3.482    0.000
#>    .SN     (Vr_SN)    0.190    0.037    5.088    0.000
#>    .PB     (Vr_PB)    0.619    0.054   11.411    0.000
#>    .PC      (V_PC)    0.469    0.120    3.907    0.000
#>    .BE      (Z_BE)    0.544    0.036   15.260    0.000
#>     IN    (Vr_INT)    0.752    0.091    8.252    0.000
#>     PB     (V_PBC)    0.958    0.123    7.760    0.000
#>     IN    (V_INTP)    1.297    0.089   14.646    0.000
#>    .AT   (V_ATTPC)    1.511    0.041   36.482    0.000
#>    .AT   (V_ATTPB)    1.084    0.031   35.464    0.000
#>    .SN    (V_SNPC)    0.719    0.022   32.194    0.000
#>    .SN    (V_SNPB)    0.516    0.016   31.825    0.000
#>    .a1     (Vr_t1)    0.174    0.008   21.062    0.000
#>    .a2     (Vr_t2)    0.186    0.007   24.851    0.000
#>    .a3     (Vr_t3)    0.187    0.007   28.710    0.000
#>    .s1     (Vr_s1)    0.177    0.007   24.784    0.000
#>    .s2     (Vr_s2)    0.195    0.007   28.844    0.000
#>    .s3     (Vr_s3)    0.192    0.006   32.240    0.000
#>    .p1    (Vr_pb1)    0.161    0.009   18.864    0.000
#>    .p2    (Vr_pb2)    0.191    0.008   23.432    0.000
#>    .p3    (Vr_pb3)    0.178    0.007   26.465    0.000
#>    .p1    (Vr_pc1)    0.167    0.009   18.483    0.000
#>    .p2    (Vr_pc2)    0.185    0.008   22.968    0.000
#>    .p3    (Vr_pc3)    0.165    0.007   24.405    0.000
#>    .b1     (Vr_b1)    0.131    0.031    4.180    0.000
#>    .b2     (Vr_b2)    0.191    0.023    8.211    0.000
#>    .a1 (Vr_tt1pc1)    0.454    0.015   30.377    0.000
#>    .a2 (Vr_tt2pc2)    0.404    0.011   36.058    0.000
#>    .a3 (Vr_tt3pc3)    0.305    0.008   39.382    0.000
#>    .a1 (Vr_tt1pb1)    0.377    0.012   30.603    0.000
#>    .a2 (Vr_tt2pb2)    0.363    0.010   36.293    0.000
#>    .a3 (Vr_tt3pb3)    0.270    0.007   40.454    0.000
#>    .s1 (Vr_sn1pc1)    0.367    0.012   31.101    0.000
#>    .s2 (Vr_sn2pc2)    0.334    0.009   36.194    0.000
#>    .s3 (Vr_sn3pc3)    0.255    0.007   38.970    0.000
#>    .s1 (Vr_sn1pb1)    0.291    0.009   32.171    0.000
#>    .s2 (Vr_sn2pb2)    0.288    0.008   37.329    0.000
#>    .s3 (Vr_sn3pb3)    0.214    0.005   40.765    0.000
#> Constraints:
#>                                                |Slack|
#>     V_ATTPC-((_ATT_INT^2*V_INT+V_ATT)*(_PC_PB    0.000
#>     V_11-(_1_ATT^2*(_ATT_INT^2*V_INT+V_ATT)*V    0.000
#>     V_22-(_2_ATT^2*(_ATT_INT^2*V_INT+V_ATT)*V    0.000
#>     V_33-(_3_ATT^2*(_ATT_INT^2*V_INT+V_ATT)*V    0.000
#>     V_ATTPB-((_ATT_INT^2*V_INT+V_ATT)*(_PB_PB    0.000
#>     V_11-(_1_ATT^2*(_ATT_INT^2*V_INT+V_ATT)*V    0.000
#>     V_22-(_2_ATT^2*(_ATT_INT^2*V_INT+V_ATT)*V    0.000
#>     V_33-(_3_ATT^2*(_ATT_INT^2*V_INT+V_ATT)*V    0.000
#>     V_SNPC-((_SN_INT^2*V_INT+V_SN)*(_PC_PBC^2    0.000
#>     V_11-(_1_SN^2*(_SN_INT^2*V_INT+V_SN)*V_1+    0.000
#>     V_22-(_2_SN^2*(_SN_INT^2*V_INT+V_SN)*V_2+    0.000
#>     V_33-(_3_SN^2*(_SN_INT^2*V_INT+V_SN)*V_3+    0.000
#>     V_SNPB-((_SN_INT^2*V_INT+V_SN)*(_PB_PBC^2    0.000
#>     V_11-(_1_SN^2*(_SN_INT^2*V_INT+V_SN)*V_1+    0.000
#>     V_22-(_2_SN^2*(_SN_INT^2*V_INT+V_SN)*V_2+    0.000
#>     V_33-(_3_SN^2*(_SN_INT^2*V_INT+V_SN)*V_3+    0.000
#>     lmbd_tt1pc1_ATTPC-(lmbd_tt1_ATT*lmb_1_PC)    0.000
#>     lmbd_tt2pc2_ATTPC-(lmbd_tt2_ATT*lmb_2_PC)    0.000
#>     lmbd_tt3pc3_ATTPC-(lmbd_tt3_ATT*lmb_3_PC)    0.000
#>     lmbd_tt1pb1_ATTPB-(lmbd_tt1_ATT*lmb_1_PB)    0.000
#>     lmbd_tt2pb2_ATTPB-(lmbd_tt2_ATT*lmb_2_PB)    0.000
#>     lmbd_tt3pb3_ATTPB-(lmbd_tt3_ATT*lmb_3_PB)    0.000
#>     lmbd_sn1pc1_SNPC-(lmbd_sn1_SN*lmbd_p1_PC)    0.000
#>     lmbd_sn2pc2_SNPC-(lmbd_sn2_SN*lmbd_p2_PC)    0.000
#>     lmbd_sn3pc3_SNPC-(lmbd_sn3_SN*lmbd_p3_PC)    0.000
#>     lmbd_sn1pb1_SNPB-(lmbd_sn1_SN*lmbd_p1_PB)    0.000
#>     lmbd_sn2pb2_SNPB-(lmbd_sn2_SN*lmbd_p2_PB)    0.000
#>     lmbd_sn3pb3_SNPB-(lmbd_sn3_SN*lmbd_p3_PB)    0.000
#>     Mn_ATTPC-((Cv_INT_PBC*l_ATT_INT*_PC_PBC))    0.000
#>     Mn_ATTPB-((Cv_INT_PBC*l_ATT_INT*_PB_PBC))    0.000
#>     Mn_SNPC-((Cv_INT_PBC*lmb_PC_PBC*_SN_INT))    0.000
#>     Mn_SNPB-((Cv_INT_PBC*lmb_PB_PBC*_SN_INT))    0.000

est_dblcent <- modsem(tpb, data = TPB_2SO, method = "dblcent")
#> modsem (version 1.0.6, approach = dblcent):
#> lavaan 0.6-19 ended normally after 465 iterations
#>   Estimator                                         ML
#>   Optimization method                           NLMINB
#>   Number of model parameters                       186
#>   Number of observations                          2000
#> Model Test User Model:
#>   Test statistic                              10052.300
#>   Degrees of freedom                               1089
#>   P-value (Chi-square)                            0.000
#> Parameter Estimates:
#>   Standard errors                             Standard
#>   Information                                 Expected
#>   Information saturated (h1) model          Structured
#> Latent Variables:
#>                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
#>   ATT =~                                              
#>     att1              1.000                           
#>     att2              0.908    0.011   83.766    0.000
#>     att3              0.798    0.010   77.657    0.000
#>   SN =~                                               
#>     sn1               1.000                           
#>     sn2               0.909    0.016   55.251    0.000
#>     sn3               0.813    0.015   53.511    0.000
#>   PB =~                                               
#>     pb1               1.000                           
#>     pb2               0.918    0.012   77.166    0.000
#>     pb3               0.789    0.011   72.867    0.000
#>   PC =~                                               
#>     pc1               1.000                           
#>     pc2               0.891    0.010   89.774    0.000
#>     pc3               0.792    0.009   86.846    0.000
#>   BEH =~                                              
#>     b1                1.000                           
#>     b2                0.850    0.039   21.738    0.000
#>   INT =~                                              
#>     ATT               1.000                           
#>     SN                0.670    0.061   11.032    0.000
#>   PBC =~                                              
#>     PC                1.000                           
#>     PB                0.668    0.072    9.292    0.000
#>   INTxPBC =~                                          
#>     ATTPC             1.000                           
#>     ATTPB             0.786    0.029   26.650    0.000
#>     SNPC              0.715    0.026   27.124    0.000
#>     SNPB              0.562    0.022   25.714    0.000
#>   ATTPC =~                                            
#>     att1pc1           1.000                           
#>     att2pc1           0.896    0.012   76.955    0.000
#>     att3pc1           0.784    0.011   71.763    0.000
#>     att1pc2           0.889    0.010   86.420    0.000
#>     att2pc2           0.796    0.014   58.748    0.000
#>     att3pc2           0.688    0.012   55.935    0.000
#>     att1pc3           0.786    0.009   82.801    0.000
#>     att2pc3           0.703    0.012   57.546    0.000
#>     att3pc3           0.610    0.011   54.822    0.000
#>   ATTPB =~                                            
#>     att1pb1           1.000                           
#>     att2pb1           0.902    0.012   73.281    0.000
#>     att3pb1           0.790    0.011   69.090    0.000
#>     att1pb2           0.911    0.013   69.779    0.000
#>     att2pb2           0.821    0.016   50.353    0.000
#>     att3pb2           0.719    0.015   49.305    0.000
#>     att1pb3           0.769    0.012   63.518    0.000
#>     att2pb3           0.699    0.014   49.233    0.000
#>     att3pb3           0.609    0.013   47.566    0.000
#>   SNPC =~                                             
#>     sn1pc1            1.000                           
#>     sn2pc1            0.916    0.017   52.984    0.000
#>     sn3pc1            0.773    0.016   48.814    0.000
#>     sn1pc2            0.890    0.011   80.299    0.000
#>     sn2pc2            0.815    0.018   44.884    0.000
#>     sn3pc2            0.684    0.016   42.622    0.000
#>     sn1pc3            0.804    0.010   76.966    0.000
#>     sn2pc3            0.734    0.016   44.770    0.000
#>     sn3pc3            0.624    0.015   42.476    0.000
#>   SNPB =~                                             
#>     sn1pb1            1.000                           
#>     sn2pb1            0.932    0.018   52.861    0.000
#>     sn3pb1            0.807    0.016   50.349    0.000
#>     sn1pb2            0.921    0.014   67.113    0.000
#>     sn2pb2            0.862    0.020   43.061    0.000
#>     sn3pb2            0.746    0.018   41.358    0.000
#>     sn1pb3            0.782    0.013   61.764    0.000
#>     sn2pb3            0.726    0.018   41.471    0.000
#>     sn3pb3            0.636    0.016   39.286    0.000
#> Regressions:
#>                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
#>   BEH ~                                               
#>     PBC               0.211    0.026    8.120    0.000
#>     INT               0.199    0.023    8.696    0.000
#>     INTxPBC           0.139    0.017    8.230    0.000
#> Covariances:
#>                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
#>  .att1pc1 ~~                                          
#>    .att2pc2           0.000                           
#>    .att2pc3           0.000                           
#>    .att3pc2           0.000                           
#>    .att3pc3           0.000                           
#>  .att2pc1 ~~                                          
#>    .att1pc2           0.000                           
#>  .att1pc2 ~~                                          
#>    .att2pc3           0.000                           
#>  .att3pc1 ~~                                          
#>    .att1pc2           0.000                           
#>  .att1pc2 ~~                                          
#>    .att3pc3           0.000                           
#>  .att2pc1 ~~                                          
#>    .att1pc3           0.000                           
#>  .att2pc2 ~~                                          
#>    .att1pc3           0.000                           
#>  .att3pc1 ~~                                          
#>    .att1pc3           0.000                           
#>  .att3pc2 ~~                                          
#>    .att1pc3           0.000                           
#>  .att2pc1 ~~                                          
#>    .att3pc2           0.000                           
#>    .att3pc3           0.000                           
#>  .att3pc1 ~~                                          
#>    .att2pc2           0.000                           
#>  .att2pc2 ~~                                          
#>    .att3pc3           0.000                           
#>  .att3pc1 ~~                                          
#>    .att2pc3           0.000                           
#>  .att3pc2 ~~                                          
#>    .att2pc3           0.000                           
#>  .att1pc1 ~~                                          
#>    .att1pc2           0.228    0.015   15.643    0.000
#>    .att1pc3           0.202    0.013   15.648    0.000
#>    .att2pc1           0.192    0.012   16.158    0.000
#>    .att3pc1           0.171    0.011   16.161    0.000
#>  .att1pc2 ~~                                          
#>    .att1pc3           0.182    0.012   15.689    0.000
#>    .att2pc2           0.206    0.011   19.546    0.000
#>    .att3pc2           0.180    0.009   19.366    0.000
#>  .att1pc3 ~~                                          
#>    .att2pc3           0.194    0.009   21.544    0.000
#>    .att3pc3           0.165    0.008   20.892    0.000
#>  .att2pc1 ~~                                          
#>    .att2pc2           0.265    0.013   19.849    0.000
#>    .att2pc3           0.231    0.012   19.601    0.000
#>    .att3pc1           0.157    0.010   16.172    0.000
#>  .att2pc2 ~~                                          
#>    .att2pc3           0.204    0.011   19.396    0.000
#>    .att3pc2           0.165    0.009   19.366    0.000
#>  .att2pc3 ~~                                          
#>    .att3pc3           0.150    0.007   20.763    0.000
#>  .att3pc1 ~~                                          
#>    .att3pc2           0.266    0.012   22.627    0.000
#>    .att3pc3           0.238    0.011   22.542    0.000
#>  .att3pc2 ~~                                          
#>    .att3pc3           0.208    0.009   22.293    0.000
#>  .att1pb1 ~~                                          
#>    .att2pb2           0.000                           
#>    .att2pb3           0.000                           
#>    .att3pb2           0.000                           
#>    .att3pb3           0.000                           
#>  .att2pb1 ~~                                          
#>    .att1pb2           0.000                           
#>  .att1pb2 ~~                                          
#>    .att2pb3           0.000                           
#>  .att3pb1 ~~                                          
#>    .att1pb2           0.000                           
#>  .att1pb2 ~~                                          
#>    .att3pb3           0.000                           
#>  .att2pb1 ~~                                          
#>    .att1pb3           0.000                           
#>  .att2pb2 ~~                                          
#>    .att1pb3           0.000                           
#>  .att3pb1 ~~                                          
#>    .att1pb3           0.000                           
#>  .att3pb2 ~~                                          
#>    .att1pb3           0.000                           
#>  .att2pb1 ~~                                          
#>    .att3pb2           0.000                           
#>    .att3pb3           0.000                           
#>  .att3pb1 ~~                                          
#>    .att2pb2           0.000                           
#>  .att2pb2 ~~                                          
#>    .att3pb3           0.000                           
#>  .att3pb1 ~~                                          
#>    .att2pb3           0.000                           
#>  .att3pb2 ~~                                          
#>    .att2pb3           0.000                           
#>  .att1pb1 ~~                                          
#>    .att1pb2           0.178    0.011   16.118    0.000
#>    .att1pb3           0.150    0.010   15.776    0.000
#>    .att2pb1           0.196    0.012   16.080    0.000
#>    .att3pb1           0.164    0.011   15.563    0.000
#>  .att1pb2 ~~                                          
#>    .att1pb3           0.142    0.009   15.903    0.000
#>    .att2pb2           0.228    0.012   19.763    0.000
#>    .att3pb2           0.195    0.010   19.467    0.000
#>  .att1pb3 ~~                                          
#>    .att2pb3           0.212    0.010   22.266    0.000
#>    .att3pb3           0.184    0.008   22.055    0.000
#>  .att2pb1 ~~                                          
#>    .att2pb2           0.201    0.010   19.667    0.000
#>    .att2pb3           0.170    0.009   19.380    0.000
#>    .att3pb1           0.151    0.010   15.533    0.000
#>  .att2pb2 ~~                                          
#>    .att2pb3           0.158    0.008   19.210    0.000
#>    .att3pb2           0.191    0.010   19.989    0.000
#>  .att2pb3 ~~                                          
#>    .att3pb3           0.165    0.008   21.609    0.000
#>  .att3pb1 ~~                                          
#>    .att3pb2           0.189    0.009   21.673    0.000
#>    .att3pb3           0.162    0.008   21.467    0.000
#>  .att3pb2 ~~                                          
#>    .att3pb3           0.149    0.007   21.111    0.000
#>  .sn1pc1 ~~                                           
#>    .sn2pc2            0.000                           
#>    .sn2pc3            0.000                           
#>    .sn3pc2            0.000                           
#>    .sn3pc3            0.000                           
#>  .sn2pc1 ~~                                           
#>    .sn1pc2            0.000                           
#>  .sn1pc2 ~~                                           
#>    .sn2pc3            0.000                           
#>  .sn3pc1 ~~                                           
#>    .sn1pc2            0.000                           
#>  .sn1pc2 ~~                                           
#>    .sn3pc3            0.000                           
#>  .sn2pc1 ~~                                           
#>    .sn1pc3            0.000                           
#>  .sn2pc2 ~~                                           
#>    .sn1pc3            0.000                           
#>  .sn3pc1 ~~                                           
#>    .sn1pc3            0.000                           
#>  .sn3pc2 ~~                                           
#>    .sn1pc3            0.000                           
#>  .sn2pc1 ~~                                           
#>    .sn3pc2            0.000                           
#>    .sn3pc3            0.000                           
#>  .sn3pc1 ~~                                           
#>    .sn2pc2            0.000                           
#>  .sn2pc2 ~~                                           
#>    .sn3pc3            0.000                           
#>  .sn3pc1 ~~                                           
#>    .sn2pc3            0.000                           
#>  .sn3pc2 ~~                                           
#>    .sn2pc3            0.000                           
#>  .sn1pc1 ~~                                           
#>    .sn1pc2            0.235    0.014   17.052    0.000
#>    .sn1pc3            0.211    0.012   17.095    0.000
#>    .sn2pc1            0.103    0.007   15.796    0.000
#>    .sn3pc1            0.092    0.006   15.750    0.000
#>  .sn1pc2 ~~                                           
#>    .sn1pc3            0.178    0.011   16.493    0.000
#>    .sn2pc2            0.106    0.006   18.376    0.000
#>    .sn3pc2            0.091    0.005   18.007    0.000
#>  .sn1pc3 ~~                                           
#>    .sn2pc3            0.103    0.005   20.203    0.000
#>    .sn3pc3            0.087    0.004   19.503    0.000
#>  .sn2pc1 ~~                                           
#>    .sn2pc2            0.261    0.013   20.103    0.000
#>    .sn2pc3            0.228    0.011   19.894    0.000
#>    .sn3pc1            0.083    0.005   15.378    0.000
#>  .sn2pc2 ~~                                           
#>    .sn2pc3            0.206    0.010   20.014    0.000
#>    .sn3pc2            0.087    0.005   18.174    0.000
#>  .sn2pc3 ~~                                           
#>    .sn3pc3            0.082    0.004   19.532    0.000
#>  .sn3pc1 ~~                                           
#>    .sn3pc2            0.255    0.011   23.013    0.000
#>    .sn3pc3            0.227    0.010   22.859    0.000
#>  .sn3pc2 ~~                                           
#>    .sn3pc3            0.198    0.009   22.679    0.000
#>  .sn1pb1 ~~                                           
#>    .sn2pb2            0.000                           
#>    .sn2pb3            0.000                           
#>    .sn3pb2            0.000                           
#>    .sn3pb3            0.000                           
#>  .sn2pb1 ~~                                           
#>    .sn1pb2            0.000                           
#>  .sn1pb2 ~~                                           
#>    .sn2pb3            0.000                           
#>  .sn3pb1 ~~                                           
#>    .sn1pb2            0.000                           
#>  .sn1pb2 ~~                                           
#>    .sn3pb3            0.000                           
#>  .sn2pb1 ~~                                           
#>    .sn1pb3            0.000                           
#>  .sn2pb2 ~~                                           
#>    .sn1pb3            0.000                           
#>  .sn3pb1 ~~                                           
#>    .sn1pb3            0.000                           
#>  .sn3pb2 ~~                                           
#>    .sn1pb3            0.000                           
#>  .sn2pb1 ~~                                           
#>    .sn3pb2            0.000                           
#>    .sn3pb3            0.000                           
#>  .sn3pb1 ~~                                           
#>    .sn2pb2            0.000                           
#>  .sn2pb2 ~~                                           
#>    .sn3pb3            0.000                           
#>  .sn3pb1 ~~                                           
#>    .sn2pb3            0.000                           
#>  .sn3pb2 ~~                                           
#>    .sn2pb3            0.000                           
#>  .sn1pb1 ~~                                           
#>    .sn1pb2            0.163    0.010   16.601    0.000
#>    .sn1pb3            0.143    0.009   16.410    0.000
#>    .sn2pb1            0.104    0.006   16.170    0.000
#>    .sn3pb1            0.093    0.006   15.771    0.000
#>  .sn1pb2 ~~                                           
#>    .sn1pb3            0.131    0.008   16.144    0.000
#>    .sn2pb2            0.101    0.006   17.420    0.000
#>    .sn3pb2            0.091    0.005   17.177    0.000
#>  .sn1pb3 ~~                                           
#>    .sn2pb3            0.099    0.005   20.252    0.000
#>    .sn3pb3            0.094    0.005   20.442    0.000
#>  .sn2pb1 ~~                                           
#>    .sn2pb2            0.192    0.010   19.812    0.000
#>    .sn2pb3            0.166    0.009   19.549    0.000
#>    .sn3pb1            0.082    0.005   15.386    0.000
#>  .sn2pb2 ~~                                           
#>    .sn2pb3            0.154    0.008   19.408    0.000
#>    .sn3pb2            0.083    0.005   17.108    0.000
#>  .sn2pb3 ~~                                           
#>    .sn3pb3            0.080    0.004   19.531    0.000
#>  .sn3pb1 ~~                                           
#>    .sn3pb2            0.177    0.008   21.670    0.000
#>    .sn3pb3            0.158    0.007   21.493    0.000
#>  .sn3pb2 ~~                                           
#>    .sn3pb3            0.150    0.007   21.690    0.000
#>   INT ~~                                              
#>     PBC               0.034    0.033    1.045    0.296
#>     INTxPBC          -0.003    0.035   -0.099    0.921
#>   PBC ~~                                              
#>     INTxPBC          -0.120    0.039   -3.063    0.002
#> Variances:
#>                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
#>    .att1              0.164    0.009   18.496    0.000
#>    .att2              0.150    0.008   19.739    0.000
#>    .att3              0.161    0.007   23.292    0.000
#>    .sn1               0.159    0.008   18.691    0.000
#>    .sn2               0.172    0.008   21.687    0.000
#>    .sn3               0.160    0.007   23.161    0.000
#>    .pb1               0.146    0.009   16.806    0.000
#>    .pb2               0.168    0.008   20.515    0.000
#>    .pb3               0.159    0.007   23.189    0.000
#>    .pc1               0.165    0.009   17.845    0.000
#>    .pc2               0.165    0.008   20.574    0.000
#>    .pc3               0.150    0.007   22.166    0.000
#>    .b1                0.133    0.029    4.600    0.000
#>    .b2                0.189    0.022    8.768    0.000
#>    .att1pc1           0.495    0.022   22.813    0.000
#>    .att2pc1           0.501    0.019   25.991    0.000
#>    .att3pc1           0.468    0.017   28.208    0.000
#>    .att1pc2           0.459    0.018   25.111    0.000
#>    .att2pc2           0.448    0.016   27.871    0.000
#>    .att3pc2           0.406    0.014   29.875    0.000
#>    .att1pc3           0.397    0.015   26.508    0.000
#>    .att2pc3           0.380    0.013   28.927    0.000
#>    .att3pc3           0.343    0.011   30.642    0.000
#>    .att1pb1           0.426    0.018   23.037    0.000
#>    .att2pb1           0.419    0.016   25.558    0.000
#>    .att3pb1           0.356    0.013   26.825    0.000
#>    .att1pb2           0.427    0.017   25.557    0.000
#>    .att2pb2           0.435    0.015   28.402    0.000
#>    .att3pb2           0.364    0.012   29.496    0.000
#>    .att1pb3           0.387    0.014   28.034    0.000
#>    .att2pb3           0.347    0.012   29.384    0.000
#>    .att3pb3           0.299    0.010   30.764    0.000
#>    .sn1pc1            0.414    0.018   23.103    0.000
#>    .sn2pc1            0.404    0.016   24.941    0.000
#>    .sn3pc1            0.392    0.014   27.841    0.000
#>    .sn1pc2            0.340    0.014   23.817    0.000
#>    .sn2pc2            0.363    0.014   26.739    0.000
#>    .sn3pc2            0.321    0.011   28.764    0.000
#>    .sn1pc3            0.296    0.012   25.044    0.000
#>    .sn2pc3            0.300    0.011   27.459    0.000
#>    .sn3pc3            0.271    0.009   29.358    0.000
#>    .sn1pb1            0.320    0.013   23.685    0.000
#>    .sn2pb1            0.325    0.013   25.720    0.000
#>    .sn3pb1            0.292    0.011   27.314    0.000
#>    .sn1pb2            0.287    0.012   24.298    0.000
#>    .sn2pb2            0.298    0.011   26.547    0.000
#>    .sn3pb2            0.267    0.009   28.196    0.000
#>    .sn1pb3            0.256    0.010   26.436    0.000
#>    .sn2pb3            0.248    0.009   27.882    0.000
#>    .sn3pb3            0.235    0.008   29.850    0.000
#>    .ATT               0.342    0.094    3.641    0.000
#>    .SN                0.229    0.043    5.317    0.000
#>    .PB                0.688    0.062   11.176    0.000
#>    .PC                0.503    0.127    3.970    0.000
#>    .BEH               0.545    0.034   16.237    0.000
#>     INT               1.058    0.104   10.185    0.000
#>     PBC               1.201    0.137    8.775    0.000
#>     INTxPBC           1.520    0.089   17.158    0.000
#>    .ATTPC             0.942    0.055   17.182    0.000
#>    .ATTPB             0.729    0.040   18.024    0.000
#>    .SNPC              0.453    0.030   15.307    0.000
#>    .SNPB              0.385    0.023   16.924    0.000

Interaction between a first order and a higher order construct

In the TPB_1SO dataset, the INT construct is a second order construct of ATT, SN and PBC. In this example, we will estimate the interaction between the INT (higher order construct) and PBC (first order construct).

tpb <- '
  # First order constructs
  ATT =~ att1 + att2 + att3
  SN  =~ sn1 + sn2 + sn3
  PBC =~ pbc1 + pbc2 + pbc3
  BEH =~ b1 + b2

  # Higher order constructs
  INT =~ ATT + PBC + SN

  # Higher order interaction
  # Structural model

est_ca <- modsem(tpb, data = TPB_1SO, method = "ca")
#> modsem (version 1.0.6, approach = ca):
#> lavaan 0.6-19 ended normally after 446 iterations
#>   Estimator                                         ML
#>   Optimization method                           NLMINB
#>   Number of model parameters                        73
#>   Row rank of the constraints matrix                21
#>   Number of observations                          2000
#> Model Test User Model:
#>   Test statistic                              4246.901
#>   Degrees of freedom                               178
#>   P-value (Chi-square)                           0.000
#> Parameter Estimates:
#>   Standard errors                             Standard
#>   Information                                 Expected
#>   Information saturated (h1) model          Structured
#> Latent Variables:
#>                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
#>   ATT =~                                              
#>     att1   (l_1_A)    1.000                           
#>     att2   (l_2_A)    0.904    0.010   89.441    0.000
#>     att3   (l_3_A)    0.801    0.009   85.442    0.000
#>   SN =~                                               
#>     sn1    (l_1_S)    1.000                           
#>     sn2    (l_2_S)    0.879    0.013   66.744    0.000
#>     sn3    (l_3_S)    0.780    0.012   63.639    0.000
#>   PBC =~                                              
#>     pbc1   (l_1_P)    1.000                           
#>     pbc2   (l_2_P)    0.900    0.007  135.630    0.000
#>     pbc3   (l_3_P)    0.776    0.006  125.111    0.000
#>   BEH =~                                              
#>     b1     (l_1_B)    1.000                           
#>     b2     (l_2_B)    0.863    0.033   26.043    0.000
#>   INT =~                                              
#>     ATT   (l_ATT_)    1.000                           
#>     PBC   (l_PBC_)    0.783    0.030   26.191    0.000
#>     SN     (l_SN_)    0.717    0.027   26.257    0.000
#>   INTxPBC =~                                          
#>     ATTPB (l_ATTP)    1.000                           
#>     SNPBC  (l_SNP)    0.735    0.020   35.914    0.000
#>     PBCPB (l_PBCP)    1.011    0.027   36.926    0.000
#>   ATTPBC =~                                           
#>     att11 (l_11_A)    1.000                           
#>     att22 (l_22_A)    0.813    0.009   87.006    0.000
#>     att33 (l_33_A)    0.621    0.008   82.373    0.000
#>   SNPBC =~                                            
#>     sn1p1 (l_11_S)    1.000                           
#>     sn2p2 (l_22_S)    0.792    0.012   68.052    0.000
#>     sn3p3 (l_33_S)    0.605    0.009   64.723    0.000
#>   PBCPBC =~                                           
#>     pbc11 (l_11_P)    1.000                           
#>     pbc22 (l_22_P)    0.810    0.012   67.815    0.000
#>     pbc33 (l_33_P)    0.602    0.010   62.555    0.000
#> Regressions:
#>                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
#>   BEH ~                                               
#>     PBC     (G_PB)    0.249    0.052    4.775    0.000
#>     INT   (G_INT_)    0.160    0.056    2.838    0.005
#>     INTPB (G_INTP)    0.221    0.016   13.492    0.000
#> Covariances:
#>                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
#>   INT ~~                                              
#>     INTxPBC (C_IN)   -0.019    0.025   -0.758    0.448
#>  .att1pbc1 ~~                                         
#>    .att2pb2           0.000                           
#>    .att3pb3           0.000                           
#>  .att2pbc2 ~~                                         
#>    .att3pb3           0.000                           
#>  .sn1pbc1 ~~                                          
#>    .sn2pbc2           0.000                           
#>    .sn3pbc3           0.000                           
#>  .sn2pbc2 ~~                                          
#>    .sn3pbc3           0.000                           
#>  .pbc1pbc1 ~~                                         
#>    .pbc2pb2           0.000                           
#>    .pbc3pb3           0.000                           
#>  .pbc2pbc2 ~~                                         
#>    .pbc3pb3           0.000                           
#> Intercepts:
#>                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
#>    .ATTPBC  (M_AT)    0.422    0.013   32.832    0.000
#>    .SNPBC   (M_SN)    0.302    0.010   30.547    0.000
#>    .PBCPBC  (M_PB)    0.575    0.011   51.528    0.000
#>    .att1              1.001    0.023   44.025    0.000
#>    .att2              1.008    0.021   47.861    0.000
#>    .att3              1.002    0.019   52.974    0.000
#>    .sn1               0.974    0.018   55.116    0.000
#>    .sn2               0.982    0.016   60.802    0.000
#>    .sn3               0.991    0.015   67.883    0.000
#>    .pbc1              0.983    0.021   47.193    0.000
#>    .pbc2              0.988    0.020   49.207    0.000
#>    .pbc3              0.998    0.018   54.375    0.000
#>    .b1                1.150    0.020   57.082    0.000
#>    .b2                1.132    0.018   61.428    0.000
#>    .att1pb1           0.391    0.038   10.186    0.000
#>    .att2pb2           0.330    0.032   10.249    0.000
#>    .att3pb3           0.256    0.025   10.137    0.000
#>    .sn1pbc1           0.262    0.029    9.112    0.000
#>    .sn2pbc2           0.226    0.024    9.516    0.000
#>    .sn3pbc3           0.177    0.019    9.454    0.000
#>    .pbc1pb1           0.553    0.038   14.525    0.000
#>    .pbc2pb2           0.501    0.032   15.560    0.000
#>    .pbc3pb3           0.421    0.025   16.843    0.000
#> Variances:
#>                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
#>    .ATT   (Vr_ATT)    0.346    0.023   15.014    0.000
#>    .SN     (Vr_SN)    0.179    0.013   13.986    0.000
#>    .PBC   (Vr_PBC)    0.245    0.016   15.052    0.000
#>    .BEH     (Z_BE)    0.513    0.029   18.005    0.000
#>     INT   (Vr_INT)    0.539    0.027   19.889    0.000
#>     INTPB (V_INTP)    1.535    0.076   20.148    0.000
#>    .ATTPB (V_ATTP)    0.687    0.022   30.946    0.000
#>    .SNPBC  (V_SNP)    0.354    0.013   27.980    0.000
#>    .PBCPB (V_PBCP)    0.662    0.026   25.764    0.000
#>    .att1   (Vr_t1)    0.150    0.008   18.624    0.000
#>    .att2   (Vr_t2)    0.165    0.007   22.170    0.000
#>    .att3   (Vr_t3)    0.147    0.006   23.582    0.000
#>    .sn1    (Vr_s1)    0.168    0.008   20.991    0.000
#>    .sn2    (Vr_s2)    0.168    0.007   24.105    0.000
#>    .sn3    (Vr_s3)    0.149    0.006   25.303    0.000
#>    .pbc1   (Vr_p1)    0.293    0.009   30.965    0.000
#>    .pbc2   (Vr_p2)    0.340    0.009   38.979    0.000
#>    .pbc3   (Vr_p3)    0.327    0.007   44.262    0.000
#>    .b1     (Vr_b1)    0.144    0.024    6.051    0.000
#>    .b2     (Vr_b2)    0.181    0.018    9.880    0.000
#>    .att11 (Vr_t11)    0.389    0.011   34.052    0.000
#>    .att22 (Vr_t22)    0.378    0.010   39.469    0.000
#>    .att33 (Vr_t33)    0.285    0.007   41.921    0.000
#>    .sn1p1 (Vr_s11)    0.279    0.008   35.023    0.000
#>    .sn2p2 (Vr_s22)    0.256    0.006   39.790    0.000
#>    .sn3p3 (Vr_s33)    0.191    0.005   41.982    0.000
#>    .pbc11 (Vr_p11)    0.423    0.015   28.080    0.000
#>    .pbc22 (Vr_p22)    0.432    0.013   33.193    0.000
#>    .pbc33 (Vr_p33)    0.334    0.009   35.936    0.000
#> Constraints:
#>                                                |Slack|
#>     V_ATTPBC-((_ATT_INT^2*V_INT+V_ATT)*(_PBC_    0.000
#>     V_11-(_1_ATT^2*(_ATT_INT^2*V_INT+V_ATT)*V    0.000
#>     V_22-(_2_ATT^2*(_ATT_INT^2*V_INT+V_ATT)*V    0.000
#>     V_33-(_3_ATT^2*(_ATT_INT^2*V_INT+V_ATT)*V    0.000
#>     V_SNPBC-((_SN_INT^2*V_INT+V_SN)*(_PBC_INT    0.000
#>     V_11-(_1_SN^2*(_SN_INT^2*V_INT+V_SN)*V_1+    0.000
#>     V_22-(_2_SN^2*(_SN_INT^2*V_INT+V_SN)*V_2+    0.000
#>     V_33-(_3_SN^2*(_SN_INT^2*V_INT+V_SN)*V_3+    0.000
#>     V_PBCPBC-((_PBC_INT^2*V_INT+V_PBC)*(_PBC_    0.000
#>     V_11-(_1_PBC^2*(_PBC_INT^2*V_INT+V_PBC)*V    0.000
#>     V_22-(_2_PBC^2*(_PBC_INT^2*V_INT+V_PBC)*V    0.000
#>     V_33-(_3_PBC^2*(_PBC_INT^2*V_INT+V_PBC)*V    0.000
#>     lmbd_tt1pbc1_ATTPBC-(lmbd_tt1_ATT*_1_PBC)    0.000
#>     lmbd_tt2pbc2_ATTPBC-(lmbd_tt2_ATT*_2_PBC)    0.000
#>     lmbd_tt3pbc3_ATTPBC-(lmbd_tt3_ATT*_3_PBC)    0.000
#>     lmbd_sn1pbc1_SNPBC-(lmbd_sn1_SN*lm_1_PBC)    0.000
#>     lmbd_sn2pbc2_SNPBC-(lmbd_sn2_SN*lm_2_PBC)    0.000
#>     lmbd_sn3pbc3_SNPBC-(lmbd_sn3_SN*lm_3_PBC)    0.000
#>     lmbd_pbc1pbc1_PBCPBC-(lmbd_p1_PBC*_1_PBC)    0.000
#>     lmbd_pbc2pbc2_PBCPBC-(lmbd_p2_PBC*_2_PBC)    0.000
#>     lmbd_pbc3pbc3_PBCPBC-(lmbd_p3_PBC*_3_PBC)    0.000
#>     Mn_ATTPBC-((lmbd_ATT_INT*_PBC_INT*V_INT))    0.000
#>     Mn_SNPBC-((lmbd_PBC_INT*lm_SN_INT*V_INT))    0.000
#>     Mn_PBCPBC-((lmbd_PBC_INT^2*Vr_INT+V_PBC))    0.000

est_dblcent  <- modsem(tpb, data = TPB_1SO, method = "dblcent")
#> modsem (version 1.0.6, approach = dblcent):
#> lavaan 0.6-19 ended normally after 339 iterations
#>   Estimator                                         ML
#>   Optimization method                           NLMINB
#>   Number of model parameters                       125
#>   Number of observations                          2000
#> Model Test User Model:
#>   Test statistic                              6227.020
#>   Degrees of freedom                               505
#>   P-value (Chi-square)                           0.000
#> Parameter Estimates:
#>   Standard errors                             Standard
#>   Information                                 Expected
#>   Information saturated (h1) model          Structured
#> Latent Variables:
#>                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
#>   ATT =~                                              
#>     att1              1.000                           
#>     att2              0.909    0.011   82.767    0.000
#>     att3              0.802    0.010   80.426    0.000
#>   SN =~                                               
#>     sn1               1.000                           
#>     sn2               0.891    0.016   54.218    0.000
#>     sn3               0.790    0.015   52.448    0.000
#>   PBC =~                                              
#>     pbc1              1.000                           
#>     pbc2              0.909    0.014   66.751    0.000
#>     pbc3              0.793    0.013   63.368    0.000
#>   BEH =~                                              
#>     b1                1.000                           
#>     b2                0.864    0.029   30.237    0.000
#>   INT =~                                              
#>     ATT               1.000                           
#>     PBC               0.819    0.024   33.977    0.000
#>     SN                0.702    0.021   33.482    0.000
#>   INTxPBC =~                                          
#>     ATTPBC            1.000                           
#>     SNPBC             0.717    0.017   42.130    0.000
#>     PBCPBC            1.003    0.024   42.678    0.000
#>   ATTPBC =~                                           
#>     att1pbc1          1.000                           
#>     att2pbc1          0.896    0.010   94.261    0.000
#>     att3pbc1          0.808    0.009   92.565    0.000
#>     att1pbc2          0.899    0.011   79.087    0.000
#>     att2pbc2          0.804    0.013   61.655    0.000
#>     att3pbc2          0.727    0.012   61.499    0.000
#>     att1pbc3          0.752    0.011   70.229    0.000
#>     att2pbc3          0.675    0.012   55.856    0.000
#>     att3pbc3          0.614    0.011   56.951    0.000
#>   SNPBC =~                                            
#>     sn1pbc1           1.000                           
#>     sn2pbc1           0.884    0.013   65.689    0.000
#>     sn3pbc1           0.783    0.012   63.016    0.000
#>     sn1pbc2           0.893    0.012   76.169    0.000
#>     sn2pbc2           0.791    0.015   51.434    0.000
#>     sn3pbc2           0.693    0.014   49.947    0.000
#>     sn1pbc3           0.771    0.011   70.139    0.000
#>     sn2pbc3           0.673    0.014   48.082    0.000
#>     sn3pbc3           0.601    0.013   47.729    0.000
#>   PBCPBC =~                                           
#>     pbc1pbc1          1.000                           
#>     pbc2pbc1          0.902    0.010   86.187    0.000
#>     pbc3pbc1          0.764    0.010   79.520    0.000
#>     pbc2pbc2          0.812    0.018   44.917    0.000
#>     pbc3pbc2          0.689    0.013   51.106    0.000
#>     pbc3pbc3          0.590    0.015   40.172    0.000
#> Regressions:
#>                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
#>   BEH ~                                               
#>     PBC               0.189    0.043    4.359    0.000
#>     INT               0.187    0.045    4.140    0.000
#>     INTxPBC           0.203    0.015   13.754    0.000
#> Covariances:
#>                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
#>  .att1pbc1 ~~                                         
#>    .att2pbc2          0.000                           
#>    .att2pbc3          0.000                           
#>    .att3pbc2          0.000                           
#>    .att3pbc3          0.000                           
#>  .att2pbc1 ~~                                         
#>    .att1pbc2          0.000                           
#>  .att1pbc2 ~~                                         
#>    .att2pbc3          0.000                           
#>  .att3pbc1 ~~                                         
#>    .att1pbc2          0.000                           
#>  .att1pbc2 ~~                                         
#>    .att3pbc3          0.000                           
#>  .att2pbc1 ~~                                         
#>    .att1pbc3          0.000                           
#>  .att2pbc2 ~~                                         
#>    .att1pbc3          0.000                           
#>  .att3pbc1 ~~                                         
#>    .att1pbc3          0.000                           
#>  .att3pbc2 ~~                                         
#>    .att1pbc3          0.000                           
#>  .att2pbc1 ~~                                         
#>    .att3pbc2          0.000                           
#>    .att3pbc3          0.000                           
#>  .att3pbc1 ~~                                         
#>    .att2pbc2          0.000                           
#>  .att2pbc2 ~~                                         
#>    .att3pbc3          0.000                           
#>  .att3pbc1 ~~                                         
#>    .att2pbc3          0.000                           
#>  .att3pbc2 ~~                                         
#>    .att2pbc3          0.000                           
#>  .att1pbc1 ~~                                         
#>    .att1pbc2          0.123    0.008   15.877    0.000
#>    .att1pbc3          0.108    0.007   15.606    0.000
#>    .att2pbc1          0.188    0.011   16.599    0.000
#>    .att3pbc1          0.166    0.010   16.500    0.000
#>  .att1pbc2 ~~                                         
#>    .att1pbc3          0.098    0.006   15.298    0.000
#>    .att2pbc2          0.211    0.011   19.889    0.000
#>    .att3pbc2          0.194    0.010   20.282    0.000
#>  .att1pbc3 ~~                                         
#>    .att2pbc3          0.237    0.010   23.982    0.000
#>    .att3pbc3          0.204    0.009   23.565    0.000
#>  .att2pbc1 ~~                                         
#>    .att2pbc2          0.156    0.008   20.453    0.000
#>    .att2pbc3          0.144    0.007   20.721    0.000
#>    .att3pbc1          0.153    0.009   16.556    0.000
#>  .att2pbc2 ~~                                         
#>    .att2pbc3          0.130    0.006   20.338    0.000
#>    .att3pbc2          0.174    0.009   19.943    0.000
#>  .att2pbc3 ~~                                         
#>    .att3pbc3          0.185    0.008   23.276    0.000
#>  .att3pbc1 ~~                                         
#>    .att3pbc2          0.133    0.006   20.972    0.000
#>    .att3pbc3          0.119    0.006   20.773    0.000
#>  .att3pbc2 ~~                                         
#>    .att3pbc3          0.107    0.005   20.310    0.000
#>  .sn1pbc1 ~~                                          
#>    .sn2pbc2           0.000                           
#>    .sn2pbc3           0.000                           
#>    .sn3pbc2           0.000                           
#>    .sn3pbc3           0.000                           
#>  .sn2pbc1 ~~                                          
#>    .sn1pbc2           0.000                           
#>  .sn1pbc2 ~~                                          
#>    .sn2pbc3           0.000                           
#>  .sn3pbc1 ~~                                          
#>    .sn1pbc2           0.000                           
#>  .sn1pbc2 ~~                                          
#>    .sn3pbc3           0.000                           
#>  .sn2pbc1 ~~                                          
#>    .sn1pbc3           0.000                           
#>  .sn2pbc2 ~~                                          
#>    .sn1pbc3           0.000                           
#>  .sn3pbc1 ~~                                          
#>    .sn1pbc3           0.000                           
#>  .sn3pbc2 ~~                                          
#>    .sn1pbc3           0.000                           
#>  .sn2pbc1 ~~                                          
#>    .sn3pbc2           0.000                           
#>    .sn3pbc3           0.000                           
#>  .sn3pbc1 ~~                                          
#>    .sn2pbc2           0.000                           
#>  .sn2pbc2 ~~                                          
#>    .sn3pbc3           0.000                           
#>  .sn3pbc1 ~~                                          
#>    .sn2pbc3           0.000                           
#>  .sn3pbc2 ~~                                          
#>    .sn2pbc3           0.000                           
#>  .sn1pbc1 ~~                                          
#>    .sn1pbc2           0.163    0.008   19.281    0.000
#>    .sn1pbc3           0.140    0.007   18.855    0.000
#>    .sn2pbc1           0.092    0.006   15.534    0.000
#>    .sn3pbc1           0.082    0.005   15.167    0.000
#>  .sn1pbc2 ~~                                          
#>    .sn1pbc3           0.128    0.007   18.607    0.000
#>    .sn2pbc2           0.103    0.006   18.569    0.000
#>    .sn3pbc2           0.097    0.005   19.080    0.000
#>  .sn1pbc3 ~~                                          
#>    .sn2pbc3           0.110    0.005   21.785    0.000
#>    .sn3pbc3           0.099    0.005   21.584    0.000
#>  .sn2pbc1 ~~                                          
#>    .sn2pbc2           0.137    0.007   19.800    0.000
#>    .sn2pbc3           0.122    0.006   19.734    0.000
#>    .sn3pbc1           0.074    0.005   15.077    0.000
#>  .sn2pbc2 ~~                                          
#>    .sn2pbc3           0.110    0.006   19.347    0.000
#>    .sn3pbc2           0.084    0.005   18.558    0.000
#>  .sn2pbc3 ~~                                          
#>    .sn3pbc3           0.087    0.004   21.102    0.000
#>  .sn3pbc1 ~~                                          
#>    .sn3pbc2           0.121    0.006   20.829    0.000
#>    .sn3pbc3           0.106    0.005   20.481    0.000
#>  .sn3pbc2 ~~                                          
#>    .sn3pbc3           0.094    0.005   20.111    0.000
#>  .pbc1pbc1 ~~                                         
#>    .pbc2pbc2          0.000                           
#>    .pbc3pbc2          0.000                           
#>    .pbc3pbc3          0.000                           
#>  .pbc2pbc1 ~~                                         
#>    .pbc3pbc3          0.000                           
#>  .pbc3pbc1 ~~                                         
#>    .pbc2pbc2          0.000                           
#>  .pbc2pbc2 ~~                                         
#>    .pbc3pbc3          0.000                           
#>  .pbc1pbc1 ~~                                         
#>    .pbc2pbc1          0.268    0.014   19.031    0.000
#>    .pbc3pbc1          0.240    0.012   19.187    0.000
#>  .pbc2pbc1 ~~                                         
#>    .pbc2pbc2          0.302    0.014   22.286    0.000
#>    .pbc3pbc1          0.106    0.006   17.710    0.000
#>    .pbc3pbc2          0.132    0.006   20.914    0.000
#>  .pbc2pbc2 ~~                                         
#>    .pbc3pbc2          0.244    0.011   21.890    0.000
#>  .pbc3pbc1 ~~                                         
#>    .pbc3pbc2          0.152    0.006   23.891    0.000
#>    .pbc3pbc3          0.272    0.011   24.933    0.000
#>  .pbc3pbc2 ~~                                         
#>    .pbc3pbc3          0.243    0.010   24.501    0.000
#>   INT ~~                                              
#>     INTxPBC          -0.038    0.033   -1.150    0.250
#> Variances:
#>                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
#>    .att1              0.152    0.008   18.217    0.000
#>    .att2              0.168    0.008   21.469    0.000
#>    .att3              0.147    0.006   22.691    0.000
#>    .sn1               0.171    0.009   19.842    0.000
#>    .sn2               0.165    0.008   21.850    0.000
#>    .sn3               0.151    0.006   23.313    0.000
#>    .pbc1              0.162    0.009   18.804    0.000
#>    .pbc2              0.167    0.008   21.285    0.000
#>    .pbc3              0.159    0.007   23.501    0.000
#>    .b1                0.144    0.021    6.755    0.000
#>    .b2                0.181    0.017   10.910    0.000
#>    .att1pbc1          0.363    0.016   23.326    0.000
#>    .att2pbc1          0.370    0.014   26.472    0.000
#>    .att3pbc1          0.305    0.011   26.846    0.000
#>    .att1pbc2          0.378    0.014   26.203    0.000
#>    .att2pbc2          0.366    0.013   28.665    0.000
#>    .att3pbc2          0.303    0.010   29.105    0.000
#>    .att1pbc3          0.369    0.013   29.040    0.000
#>    .att2pbc3          0.361    0.011   31.610    0.000
#>    .att3pbc3          0.281    0.009   31.219    0.000
#>    .sn1pbc1           0.306    0.012   25.602    0.000
#>    .sn2pbc1           0.256    0.010   26.184    0.000
#>    .sn3pbc1           0.228    0.008   27.105    0.000
#>    .sn1pbc2           0.300    0.011   27.855    0.000
#>    .sn2pbc2           0.243    0.009   27.943    0.000
#>    .sn3pbc2           0.209    0.007   29.007    0.000
#>    .sn1pbc3           0.260    0.009   29.414    0.000
#>    .sn2pbc3           0.225    0.007   30.173    0.000
#>    .sn3pbc3           0.185    0.006   30.379    0.000
#>    .pbc1pbc1          0.646    0.030   21.568    0.000
#>    .pbc2pbc1          0.306    0.011   27.014    0.000
#>    .pbc3pbc1          0.290    0.010   29.693    0.000
#>    .pbc2pbc2          0.618    0.025   24.778    0.000
#>    .pbc3pbc2          0.271    0.009   30.899    0.000
#>    .pbc3pbc3          0.482    0.018   27.155    0.000
#>    .ATT               0.389    0.025   15.717    0.000
#>    .SN                0.199    0.014   14.732    0.000
#>    .PBC               0.300    0.018   16.350    0.000
#>    .BEH               0.521    0.027   19.503    0.000
#>     INT               0.995    0.049   20.233    0.000
#>     INTxPBC           1.701    0.074   22.836    0.000
#>    .ATTPBC            0.309    0.025   12.116    0.000
#>    .SNPBC             0.193    0.015   12.939    0.000
#>    .PBCPBC            0.206    0.027    7.713    0.000